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BBB The Newsline
July 2012 ChrisColeman
Chris Coleman

CFBAI Says Steady, Ongoing Progress Helps Parents

The Council of Better Business Bureaus and the BBB serving Greater Iowa, Quad Cities and Siouxland Region are pleased to announce that the Rudd Center has acknowledged the important nutritional improvements that the participants in BBB's Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI) have made in kids' cereals since 2009. While there is more to be done, as parents know, changing kids' taste preferences takes time and effort.

Presidents Message:

Summer is the time of year that many directory ads are renewed and also a time for many less then scrupulous purveyors to contact businesses in an effort to sell other sorts of advertising. There are many alternative and similarly named directories that are not associated with the legitimate Yellow Page guide. It is imperative that you know who you are dealing with and that you not succumb to a scam associated with your hard earned advertising dollars.

Scam Alert:
Criminals are Highjacking Online Vehicle Ads

If you are cruising the online vehicle ads for a new ride, the BBB warns consumers to be alert to criminals that hijack online ads to "sell" vehicles they do not own and have no intention of delivering. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received nearly 14,000 complaints from consumers who had been victimized or targeted by these scams from 2008 through last year. Victims lost nearly $44.5 million.

BBB Offers Tips to Reduce Stress of Finding Home Loan

With interest rates at historic lows and home prices not yet back to pre-Recession values. many people are looking at buying their first homes, buying bigger homes or refinancing current mortgages. The home-buying/refinancing process can be both fun and stressful. The key to making it more of the former is to engage trusted professionals (check out Accredited lenders at to help you along the way. "It's easy to get caught up in the process and think you have to do everything quickly, but it's really best to just take a deep breath and look at each step methodically," said Chris Coleman, President and CEO.

New Members



The BBB is planning a couple of member events this fall. We are scheduling a seminar luncheon in Mason City and an educational opportunity in Cedar Rapids is also being contemplated. Watch this section of The Newsline for more information!


CFBAI Says...
President's Column
Scam Alert
Special Tip
New Members
For Consumers
For Businesses
Find An Accredited Business
Check Out A Business
Or Charity


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