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Scam Alert: Another Phishing E Mail

This has been making the rounds and is a variation on a theme where the email warning you against a virus probably will create one or at a minimum compromise your computer and personal information. As usual the email below contains awkward wording and is probably is sent from outside of the country.

From: SYSTEM ADMIN 2012 [mailto:ttttttttttt1111@live.co.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:56 AM
To: info@update.co.com

Dear Subscriber,
We noticed that your account was viewed on another computer yesterday and we strongly believe that the account was not accessed from your computer, And there are treats of trojan virus coming from your webmail account. Please we are sorry to inform you that we have placed an hold on your account and you are advised to update your account to continue using webmail system. Please kindly get your account updated by filling the below information’s:
Full Name: (…………….)
Email: (…………….)
Email Username: (…………….)
Email Password: (…………….)
Confirm Email Password: (…………….)
Note: Failure to revalidate your mailbox will render your e-mail in-active from our database.
System Administrator